I'm 21 years old & my boyfriend 32.We're best friends,but become serious.Is 11 years age gap to much

Answers (4)

Not at all. I know people who have an age gap of 13 years. Yeah, some might say it isn't right but the thing is that it's love, and love has no boundaries. It's beautiful and breathtaking and captivating. If that's what you feel like with your boyfriend, then go for it without caring about what anyone thinks. Good luck, girl!

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Thank you so much Elana

No that isn't bad at all! I know a couple that has a 20 year gap and they are very happy with each other.

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Thanks shelly

13 year gap between my man and me.people may look at you two together in a store and stare but give him a big wet kiss pinch his bum and stare back always make for a laugh

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Well my dad is in his 60s and my mom is in her early 40s...soo not really

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