My girlfriend is Asian and I am Latino. We recently have been having problems due to some aspects of my culture. I am a very physically affectionate person with both my guy and girl friends. I am goofy around them and I give them hugs, touch their arms etc etc in a very warm and loving way. My girlfriend has seen me interact with them and doesn't see it as acceptable for me to behave this way.

While I can see where she is coming from, to me that's never been a problem with past girlfriend's and it's something that's causing concern in our relationship. I am willing to compromise in a certain way but this a huge part of my cultural identity. Its not something I'm sure that I am willing to change but I have been very open with her about it and tried explaining it several ways. What would be the best thing to do? I know I can tone it down a little but I know my friends will think it's weird since I am not acting the way I always am