I just want to know if anyone else thinks this way in their depression. the major thing that gets to me during my lows is the fact 'i don’t understand', in-fact thats a question that i usually repeat over and over in these time in my head or out loud hoping that at one point I’ll find the answer or someone will tell me. what i don’t understand is existence. whats the point of it? i can’t fathom the humans need for survival, if we die, big deal! why continue doing the same things over and over again just for our children to do this over and over and then their children… endlessly for the rest of eternity? If existence really is as futile as this, what is the problem with a person choosing death? there are so many hundreds of people who don’t think in this way who can continue what i believe to be humanities purpose, which is reproduction, so why is it so bad i want to die. don’t get me wrong, i enjoy my life to a certain extent i just don’t know how to live in a world which has legitimately no meaning. and if one more person tells me i just need to “find my purpose in life” i will god damn scream and proceed to spontaneously combust :) does anyone get this???