Leukemia,start Chemotherapy August 14,i took 3+7, 8/24 inside of mouth gums starting Swollen, 8/25 evening i have fever, doctor give me two Tylenol, fever went away, but next day come back again(temperture 38.1-39.7) always, 8/27 until today fever come in every 5 to 8 hours, doctor use CT scan check my all body nothing infection, 8/28 my back of head right hand side,start pain when i walk or Cough always feel the pain. i took a lot of antibiotic drop still not help at all, Doctor team told me they don't know where is fever come in from. my leg no swollen,no Diarrhea , no Bleeding,i think fever come from gums swollen, but doctor said i don't think so.
any body has this kinds experience, tell me what should i do now, GUMS swollen is very pain. i don't want fever keeping come in back ,any body has this kinds experience, tell me what should i do now? thank you very much ----Harry