Hi. So about a year and a half ago, my dad made me see a holistic chiropractor for "preventive care". Nothing was wrong with me but I went anyway. So the chiropractor cracked my neck/back. From the moment I walked out of there I had a lot of pain. Neck and Upper Back, and lower back has a constant ache. I also have to constantly crack myself. And I get headaches often and am sensitive to noise. Also, my legs fall asleep randomly when I m walking. So finally after a year and a half, I go to an orthopedist. He said that its because my spine isn t straight in my back (like the chiropractor said) and told me that I need to have better posture. But it hurts so bad to sit up straight. I also got a referral for physical therapy. But my question is, why did this only start after I went to the chiropractor a year and a half ago? I was 100% perfectly fine before. Now I can still do regular active things, but it just hurts me a lot. How can I make this pain go away and go back to the life I had before? Its been ruining my life. I'm more anxious, stressed, and depressed because of this because the pain doesn't go away. I know that I can't get a diagnosis over the internet, but I'm desperate at this point.