Hello there

I have a question about my hammie. I only got him last Wednesday and he's only 10 weeks old. I have had experiences with my previous hamsters that the sooner I began the taming process the better, as I have also heard that if you wait for long it's going to get more difficult to tame. Some say it's better to leave the hamster alone even as much as for a week which to me seems too long if you want your hamster to bond with you from an early age. Perhaps though I might make an exception because I also know that each hammy has its personality and this one just may be more difficult one and take longer to tame and perhaps will need those extra days of settling in despite that he is a boy and boys are known to be more friendly than females. I gave mine 2 days but I am thinking of extending it to as much as that week as he keeps trying to bite me, but in a funny way. It's not a slow process he sort of bites really quickly almost as if he was attacking me so it's hard to predict when or whether he's going to bite. On the other hand he does let me stroke him so it's a weird situation. I was also thinking that he perhaps doesn't like my hand in his cage as yet since it is his territory. I am now at the stage of leaving him alone and keep putting a tissue with my hand scent into his cage to get him used to me. And he did collect it and made his nest from it which I guess is a good sign. I am no expert just enjoy having a little companion and my hammies are very much loved, and I would very much appreciate your thoughts or sharing your experiences taming your the little fur balls. Many thanks and have a lovely day