I need some simple tips to help me to not become nervous when speaking to a large group ( my class ). I have to deliver a presentation but I always end up messing up and getting a rubbish grade because I get too nervous which causes anxiety and even more nerves and I end up shaking, get wobbly knees, sometimes a bit light headed and rreeaallllyy sweaty palms ( gross, I know ) and it must be quite funny for the people watching, especially when I start to stutter/stammer, but I just feel like dying. It upsets me a lot that I am not able to speak confidently and most other people in the class are. Any tips? Even now while I'm typing this I am nervous about the presentation and it is about 2 weeks away yet.. please help..It also makes it worse when I hear people talking/giggling while I'm delivering the presentation even if it's not about me, which most of the time it will be anyway because it never happens during anyone else's, and then I end up paranoid and my nervousness/anxiety/stuttering/stammering gets even worse.. any suggestions or should I just crawl under a rock now?