Hello my name is Wendy. I'm 20 and I have a seuroies problem. My nipples are producing breast milk and it's dripping out non stop and when I squeeze my nipples the milk shoots across the room. The time first it happened I noticed that the two spots where my breasts are was all wet. So I went home toke my shirt and bra off to see what wasgoing on and I saw my nipples where leaking so I pinch my nipples to stop the milk from coming out of my nipples but as you know my nipples shot across the room making a big mess. I have done tests to see if I'm preagnet and the tests showed no results of me being preagnet and I never have been preagnet. I know that you should not squeeze your nipples because it makes it worst but I have squeeze my nipples to get the milk out. But if I don't squeeze them. My breasts fill up with milk and they will get oversized. Also when my breasts gets oversized it's very unconfrble and more milk comes out. Another problem with this is I can't wear any thing because if I do wear something it will soaked with milk and that will be embarrassing and I have tryed a nipple gard but it get filled quickly and leaks out. Also I have to bring a big bowl where ever I go because it feels like my breasts are inflating like a ballon but when I squeeze my nipples dose not feel like that. So mainly I'm complety topless,squeezeing my nipples right now and I want that to stop. How can I make it stop.