Should a boyfriend ask his girlfriend to stay with him if she lost her apartment?

Answers (7)

YES!!! I mean like, he would be really, really sweet. Also, he would get a bonus because the girl's dad would like the guy a lot more than he use to. Plus they are dating so there is nothing wrong with it! :)

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Yeah, or at least he should help to resolve the accommodation problem his girlfriend

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YES!!! that shows he is really kind

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yeah that means he really loves his girlfriend and will be able to do more for her

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yeah that's it

It depends. Obviously, there are many factors in everyday life which could come in the way of her staying with her partner. But if he tries to help her "keep her boat afloat", e.g helping her get get a new place, staying with him for the time being, or even moving in together, if they are ready to, then he is a caring, loving boyfriend. I would expect such kindness (I don't mean to sound uptight or anything like that).

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yes... is better if your parent also in the same house.

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It depends how long you have been together. if its only a short time he needs to help her resolve her problem. if its been a while, of course.

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