8 weeks ago, I tore my meniscus doing squats. I am a thin female age 45. The MRI showed I have a partial discoid with a small radial tear in the posterior horn. OS stated discoid meniscus have higher chances to tear bc there is more of it and center is thinner tissue
My knee has gotten better and I can now walk up and down steps,but slowly. I haven't tried to bend or squat for fear of making my tear larger.

Some people say don't have the surgery it will heal in time, but could I rock climb or be really active again? Also, I'm favoring my knee and causing more injury to my ankle trying to get up off the floor.

If I have a partial meniscetomy people say that I'll increase my risk for arthritis or they could botch up my knee worse. Though, I read online minute you tear the cartiledge your risk for arthritis increases anyway.

Because my tear was due to trauma, but only hurting on occasion should I consider surgery?
Just wanted advice from those who have Tears left in if they tore more or not? I want to be active again without fear. PT is helping.