Hello everyone.
I'am desperately seeking an answer to my problem, so hopefully someone can help.
I recently dropped my iPhone and shattered the screen, instead of paying to get the phone fixed my friend had a iPhone 6 laying around and she said that I could use it. So I started using the phone when I downloaded my snapchat and went to snap a friend using the front camera and front flash, I took a picture and I was SO confused the picture was so grainy and low quality. It looked as if I was using a really "old school" iPhone camera. I even logged into my snap on my shattered phone screen and noticed the dramatic difference. I really don't want to return back using my shattered phone screen when I have this perfect screen one setting around.
I love my snapchat it's honestly the only app I use on my phone, except from occasionally texting from time to time... So I have to have my snapchat working! Lol. Please help!

And yes I have cleaned my front camera, I've uninstalled Snapchat and reinstalled and restarted my iPhone.