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What it means boyfriend says If I said I needed to keep you in my Life forever, what would you say?

What does it means boyfriend says If I said I needed to keep you in my Life forever, what would you say? Is he looking to propose? I’m confused

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Otobiri company is now confused after the recent transition from transactional?

... marketing to customer Relationship Management. They have heard about your expertise and decide to know more about the two fields. As a ...

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Does my straight friend's prolonged eye contact signify he might be interested in me?

I am a bisexual male. I have a very close friend, fairly new too, who says he's ...

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Help! I am so confused and upset!?

2 weeks ago the day before school broke up for the holidays this happened: Me and a few of my friends were chatting and then another ...

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I'm confused as to why it feels like I don't have a sex drive, and rarely want to have sex?

I am 22-soon, and female and I am engaged and am definitely in love with my ...

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I'm 14 , he's 19 is this okay ?

so i made a new friend at school his name's cody , the other day i asked his age and he said he was 19 witch surpized me. so today i ...

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Feeling confused.. Am I a lesbian or just bi curious?

I'm currently struggling with my sexuality. For the longest time I've only been interested in men. As I ...

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