Holiday Questions

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What is Easter?

Is it for Jesus, or is it just a commercial holiday?

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How can people maintain a healthy diet during holiday celebrations?

How can people maintain a healthy diet during holiday celebrations

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What does an event caterer do?

A caterer works closely with clients to design, prepare, and serve menus for events, including wedding dinners, charity balls, holiday brunches, ...

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I told a girl I loved her and now she wont talk to me what should I do?

I'm the school holidays I told this girl who I was really good friends with I loved her over ...

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Safe sex?well what is safe sex,I lost my virginity and now I am parnoid,what if I get pregnant?

Well me and my boyfriend decided it was time. We've been with each ...

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Why is it called Black Friday?

and why is it associated with shopping.

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Holiday - Christmas time is coming up and I want to give my teacher a present. What should I get?

She loves books, but I don't know what genre she likes. I ...

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Wheres the best holiday resort for a couple? At a fair price?

Me and my boyfriend are looking to book a summer holiday in September. We just want to go somewhere we can ...

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