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Best way to get cum off a girl's quinceanera dress I rented?

I paid a girl $300 a night to rent her quinceanera dress to use it in my fetishism videos. I made 4 videos with it in 4 days and came on it 4 ...

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Please let me know your song recommendations about rain and night from the 80's and 90's?

Lately I've been wanting to hear songs from the 80's and 90's about rain and night. Ballads, slow tempo rock, pop, etc. Any genre is ...

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I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive?

My boyfriend and I have had our ups and downs. I have a small temper, but ...

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Worst week ever! :'( ?

So last night I found out my Grandpa was just rushed to the hospital for a heart attack and they say it doesn't look good, but an hour before ...

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Pregnant - I barely found out I was pregnat this morning should I tell my mom?

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Can you get pregnant from dry humping fully clothed?

My and my boyfriend were making out the other night. Things got heated. We were both fully clothed (him wearing a top ...

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