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Is it safe to play Ludo online for cash on fantasy apps?

Playing Ludo online for cash on fantasy apps like BatBall11 can be a safe and enjoyable experience, provided you take necessary precautions. ...

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Can playing to many video games make you blind?

My brother says video games make people smart but what ive hard if you play way to many you can become blind.Can you tell ...

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I am a boy and I like this boy but feel like I don't want to be gay because people will be mean.:(?

So their is this boy in my class that is really handsome and so hot he ...

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What do you say when someone calls you short?

Like say if some random guy said, "Hey, dude, you're pretty short to play basketball, go play with someone your ...

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Minecraft PE problem!?

So, me and my friend play Mineraft in our iPads. We've usually just been using the play-on-same-WiFi thing, but now, to the discovery of the ...

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