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I don't know if this question is overly stupid but I'm learning Japanese and I was told that?

... gomenasai means I am sorry. Now in this case I've tried to say I am sorry mirror in Japanese but when I put it in Google translate it turns ...

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How do I get revenge on my friend that has been playing victim this whole time?

BTW sorry if this is long. So here's the story of my friend Ashlyn, i invited her to our friend group barely knowing her. i thought she was ...

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In which song does John Lee Hooker says: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ?

Blues song, should be from John Lee Hooker, he repeats "Im sory" 3 times

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I found that my boyfriend has sent a naked picture of himself to another guy, please help?

I went through his phone and seen he had been reading forums on sexuality and ...

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Instagram - Won't let me find blocked user profile to unblock them?

When I search a blocked user it shows "sorry, this page is unavailable". Will I ever be able ...

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Who wants to chat?

let's chat sorry I'm really bord and nobody's on Facebook? so chat with me!

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What breed is this dog?

...!/photo.php?pid=11752639&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=86353142702&aid=-1&id=577975496 ...

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How can I say sorry to my crush in facebook??

How can I say sorry to my crush in facebook??She's a girl and its my first time to chat her..I really like her so ...

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