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Should I break up with my boyfriend?

Awhile he didn’t want to spend our one year anniversary together. About three days ago, his ex apologized to him the next day he accused me of ...

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I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive?

My boyfriend and I have had our ups and downs. I have a small temper, but ...

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My girlfriend either has no hobbies or friends; all she has is me. How can I help her find stuff?

It is, I suppose, possible that she has both and just doesn't want ...

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Does HE REALLY want a DIVORCE????

Hi, My husband has been gone 5 weeks now, living with his dad. Here's my story....... Firstly me and my husband have been ...

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I had phone sex with a guy thats not my boyfriend and I feel horrible what should I do??

I met my boyfriend in DEC 2010 I have known him for almost 2yrs been together for ...

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