Hello my name is brian. I've been taking vicodin, percocet, oxycodone and pretty much any other pain med I could get my hands on. It started 3 years ago when my dentist gave me percocet for a tooth that I had pulled. Ever since then I enjoyed the unstoppable feeling of the pain killer. Work was easier, i could focus easier, riding my bicycle was funner and even sex was better. I've tried quiting multiple times over the years but never make it more than a couple weeks. I really hate this about my life now. I find myself spending 200 to 500 hundred dollars every 2 weeks on pills. I want this to stop but don't think cold turkey will ever be the way for me to quit. Someone....anyone! Please help me understand why I feel the uncontrlable feeling to move, needing to stretch, no sleep and the feeling of impending doom.
Thanks, brian