I have been using pads since my first period yet I realized they could be inconvenient, especially on vacation. When wearing one on your period, after two or three hours it becomes dap and is uncomfortable to wear, especially when sitting. If you do not change it for a while, you have to worry about leaking through your pants. It's also very bulky to wear with clothing that isn't so loose. I think I will be getting my period soon and I am going to Arizona in less than a week and I am going to be at the Grand Canyon and other outdoor attractions in rater desolate areas. Also while I am visiting museums and ruins etc.. It would be inconvenient to have to change may pads very three hours or so.
Also when I am sitting on the plane, I would not want to have to get up and change my pad in the far from decent bathroom.
I have been considering switching to either tampons or menstrual cups.
With tampons you could change from every six to eight hours (convenient) and they don't seem uncomfortable.
With menstrual cups you could reuse them and change them every twelve hours.
However tampons and those cups are not as easy to put in as pads in which you just stick onto your underwear)
I rather be uncomfortable putting the tampon or cup in for a minute than uncomfortable for a lot of my trip with a damp pad in my undies.
Which should I use? I think My Aunt Flo is coming soon (period)