Okay so I'm not quite sure where to start with this but I'll try my best to make this as clear as possible. I'm trying to figure out if the things I am experiencing are normal or not.

I'm an eighteen year old female & ever since I was an infant, I have had this habit of rocking. It started when my parents would have me sitting in this chair that they would rock until I fell asleep. At only a few months old, I started rocking myself to sleep in the chair. Now whenever I sit down on a couch or in a car, I don't have much of a choice but to rock. I feel very very bery uncomfortable if I don't do it. I'm not exaggerating when I say I do it everytime I'm sitting. However if I'm with people who don't know me well, I'm too embarrassed to rock so I shake my legs to satisfy the need for movement. I can sit on a couch and rock for hours. If I rock for too long I usually end up falling asleep and taking naps. When I'm in bed but not ready to sleep I tend to find myself moving my feet constantly because like I said before, I get super uncomfortable and have to move. I can't describe the feeling I have when I try to sit still. If I have to rock but try not to, I get this weird feeling in my back. If I'm laying in bed & try to sit still. I freak out. I just can't do it. I toss aroundand kick and shake my feet or just move them back and forth until I am tired enough to sleep.

Another issue I've had for as long as I can remember is trembling. I used to notice a bit of a shake in my hands when I was younger but I figured I was fine. Now that I am older my hands shake horribly. I can't keep them steady whatsoever & some of the simplest tasks are so difficult for me. I look at my hands and they remind me of someone with Parkinson's. Everyone notices my shaking. Teachers have asked me about it, friends always mention it, my customers at work (I am a cashier) notice... Etc. This is also a constant thing. & it is so fustrating because it's just so obvious how abnormal this is for someone my age. It's also super embarrassing!! Even if I hug someone or hold their hand or something like that, they tell me they can feel my body shaking, even if I can't. One note to add: I DO NOT like/drink ANY type of soda, coffee or tea. I usually drink milk or something other than those. So I know I don't take in as much sugar as one who does drink soda or any of the others.
So my questions are: Do you think these are related? & should I be concerned? Hearing some thoughts on this would be great. I appreciate all answers, thanks.