Whenever I go out of my way to help someone like giving food to the homeless, giving a person hope by having a uplifting conversation or just holding a door open to people who can barely walk or have their hands full I do so without any thought of benefit for myself. I mean yes I smile when I see that I have made someone's day but that is a natural reaction to the good deed I would have thought...

99.8% of the time I put other people before my own needs because I believe that 10,000 lives are far more important than 1 life, I strongly dislike the idea of being the type of person where it's every man or woman for themselves as that offends me.

I believe what I do is right as people should help others without expecting anything in return, it's just a matter of manners, kindness and morals at the end of the day, the only way the world will get better is if people selflessly helped each other more and less "what can I gain from this" and maybe people won't be so skeptical on this subject