hey so i have a guy that i like in my school , he is so cute like whenever i am around him i get so nervous and so scared around and he does know i like him cause i was walking in the hallway not too long ago and i was on my phone and one of my friends was like isn't that Ur man and honestly i thought he was somewhere else but noo he was dead-ass in front of me and he was looking straight in eyes and honestly i was embarrassed so we have three classes together but he switch out of one cause as a senior you do not want a class that will mess up your GPA up so yeah but we still have two classes together and we sit so close to each other in both classes like if i reach like arch my back i could grab him that is how closed i am to him and after my friends is not that Ur man honestly i think he had cuz since after that situation he has been looking at me and we have been making eye contact like a lot and sometimes before i look he is already looking like majority of time and his ex gf go to the school and we actually have classes last year and this year and she is well known in the school like she is so pretty but with big mouth (attitude) but she pretty and the boy is well known too cuz he play football and he is the quarterback but honestly i am so scared to talk to him like really scared to talk to him i am trying to say hi but i am so scared like really scared i am so scared of rejection i mean on friday try to say hi but my voice low immediately i said it even my friend beside me said she can't even hear at all so i got speak up but i am so scared like really scared i need advice and tip and one more thing that bother me that my friends that knows about him right when this all things started they support me to talk to him u know and helps me come up with things i could say or something i could ask since we have the same classes but since they realized i actually like him they have been one day on and one day off today they support me and tomorrow they don't support me but lately they have not been supporting they have both be like drop him and honestly i have been so confused like really confused and they saying he doesn't like u but honestly low key i see it has a jealous i mean but like that is what i see it like cuz i have not even make a move or talk to him and now u guys are saying he doesn't like me like there is no evidence of what right now literally in all the classes me have both he is always staring when i see him even in the hallway he stares and but if the table turn around with their crushes they want u to support them like they want u to feed in there delusional but the things is that it is there crush they don't like them imagine be the one to text a guys first every time and they left u on seen majority of the time yeah type of shit like that but yes thank you so much guys i need Ur advice pls