recently had an interview yeaterday. First the hiring manager called me asking my availability+start date.Then she said she will ask hr to contact me. hours later, I got scheduled for a seven round phone interviews.

On the interview day, my first interviewer is the hr. She only ask something regarding my visa status, which about five minutes.

Second interviewer seems like me because he chatted with me overtime and seems very satisfy with my technical skills

Third one is the hiring manager, she asked me some questions and satisfied with my experience and asking my education background. However when i ask question regarding what model i should learn before start date, she said this is an entry position, u have enough time to get used to this.

Fourth one is a little rougb, she asked me lots of math questions and I was nervous+phone lines not very clear. I am able to solve those with some of her guidance. She seems nice though.

The rest are ok. They seem to be impressed by my technical and financial knowledge.

Some of them ask my start date.

Anyway, do you think this may turn into an offer? I havent heard back from hr today, a bad sign?

Thank you!