Don’t even know where to begin with this but I️ want to know if I’m in the wrong or if anyone has any advice. I’ve been dating this guy for a little more than a year. Our relationship is not typical....I️ was struggling in a marriage and we started seeing eachother. (I don’t need any answers judging me or advice on that) He has a child with another woman whom he was with for maybe a year and a half total. I️ have a son as well with someone I was with for 9 years. He refuses to tell her he is dating anyone stating “Its not something he needs to share with her I’m his own special thing and it will just cause unnecessary issues and drama.” He is also going out of town with her for the second time since we have been together. The previous time he went he told me it was the last time he would be going. I️ think it’s very inappropriate to take a road trip with an ex (10 hour trip) and stay for a week with her and her family. This ex is very dependent on him and he still even pays some of her bills. (She makes more money than him) I️ am all for doing certain things for the children...I️ may even be more understanding if they were together longer and had a harder time separating the time with the child and their lives. The child is two and they have been separated for about a year and a half. I️ know he tries to protect our relationship because I️ was married for part of the time we were together....I️ don’t need anyone knowing it’s me hes dating. I️ just don’t understand why he won’t admit he’s dating “someone” I️ would get if it wasn’t anything serious but we are....we also had a child together and lost it. He knows it upsets me and every time the topic is brought up we end up arguing. He says he has no feelings or desire to be with her I️ am just worried maybe I️ am being blind to something. He also has told me she’s tried to sleep with him. I️ don’t really have any desire to spend time with my sons dad unless it benefits my son in some way. He also tries to say he likes her family and they didn’t do anything ....yet he’s only met them a handful of times and those are the people they’re going to visit 10 hours away. I’m all for family but I️ just feel like there are some boundaries that need to be set. They do all holidays together, pumpkin patch, seeing Santa, going to take their child places. At some point is it time to stop playing family?