Okay, so my great grandmother was put into a nursing home due to a broken leg in July. Well, she stayed in there until she was starting to act funny. So they put her in the hospital. (This is all in Indiana by the way). But I ended up moving in with my father in Rhode Island, and never got to tell her goodbye because one of her wishes was that people never saw her when she lost it. And nobody ever told her I left until after about a month I was gone. But then in September of this year (2015), I was told she suddenly started feeling better. And I knew that this was a bad sign, I knew that I'd be getting bad news soon. And sure enough, about 3 days later, "Grammer just passed away," my father told me. Absolutely devastating. I'm not going to go on a huge, long story about it, but her and I were extremely close. She was my absolute best friend and a lot of the time all I had. But the hardest part has been that I never got to say goodbye, that I never got to stay at her house one last time and know that it was the last.
But anyway, I've never been one to be into spiritual things and that kind of stuff. I mean, as a kid I was, but growing up, I just kinda forgot how to believe. But it's just always been something that I found interesting though. But last night, I was about to start a video for YouTube, and I always start my videos by "Hey guys! Yes, it's me Eli." But after I said that, I heard a "hi." In reply coming from the living room. And nobody was home. And all of a sudden i just went quiet. And I began to feel an immense feeling of saddness and a feeling of lost. And I started to cry uncontrollably. But I wasn't frightened by the talking in the other room. And I felt this way the rest of the night and all I could think about was my great grandmother. And then I read an article "How To Know if Your Deceased Loved One is Trying to Contact You." And even though it might be fake, it did describe some of the hugs that been happening. And now I wonder.. Could I try to contact my great grandmother despite the 1,000 mile difference from where she died?

Please no one be rude about this either, don't try to put me down because you believe something different. I want answers from people who believe in this stuff. Thank you <3