So this past Friday I was taking a nap at my boyfriends and had asked my mother to come get me, when i sat up from my nap i felt a little dizzy but assumed it was bc i sat up too quickly so i continued to grab all my stuff to walk out and 20 seconds into moving around i felt so dizzy, confused and weak that i collapsed on the ground. I then continued to try and reach for my phone to call my mom to tell her to come inside bc I couldn't walk and when she picked up i couldn't even talk at that point, I managed to say enough to get her to come inside the house, I ended up having to drag myself to the front door where I blacked out, my mom said when i was blacked out that it looked like i was choking for air. When I woke up I then immediately started vomiting on myself and also pooped myself.

I might also add I was intensely sweating and never felt sick to my stomach, after my mom cleaned me up I felt "ok" and did not continue to throw up, I did have cramping through out the ride home though