I started seeing this guy that I was very interested in. We have a lot in commom in regards to our beliefs and what we liked to do on our spare time... It turns out that he knows my cousin, which I am very close to, and I found out that he used to date my cousins cousin (which is my 2nd cousin by marriage) a couple of years back, it was only for a short period, a month I was told. When we both found this out he asked me if it was weird I said no, he agreed that it was cool. We spent a couple days together going out and having fun. We talked every day via text and at night we would be on the phone for at least two hours getting to know each other more. He asked that I not tell anyone especially my cousin that we were dating, which I thought was odd at first but respected his wishes, it didn't bother me at all though, I kinda liked the privacy. This past weekend we spent all weekend together, his friends and my friends also joined the fun. Then on Sunday afternoon I texted him asking him when we were going to do it again and he said that he thought about it and he would rather just be friends. That I am a very cool chick but that he didn't want to ruin his frienship with my cousin and with myself and also that he didn't want to look like a player since he dated my cousins cousin. I was completely caught off guard and I was pretty bummed. I thought he liked me. Is he using that as an excuse maybe? He stopped texting me good morning and when he answers me he calls me dude and is completely friend zoning me. He still wants to hang out and I still want to be around him but I have feelings for him. I told him that I needed some time to get over the fact that he wants to stop getting to know me on a personal level. He said he understood. What should I do? Should I just pull away and let it be? Maybe he will see how great I am and try to get to know me again? Should I just get over it and not let it bother me? I think he is still trying to get over his ex also... I just need some advise. Someone from the outside looking in.