This girl I don't know very well asked me to her senior prom (we go to different schools). I know that she has liked me for a very long time, so I said yes, because I didn't want to be a douche and I figured it's her senior it's a pretty big deal if she asks me...and I thought it would be fun. (She asked me via text by the way. Guess she's kinda shy...) And she's kind of attractive too! :P
I ask her the date, she say's April 20th, and we text some more and I check FB and her status was "It's only like 12:45 in the a.m and its already THE best day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:" I can only assume she is referring to my answer. So I was like whatever and I go to bed.
The next day I find out the senior trip at my school is scheduled for April 19th to April 25th.
Now I have to tell her that I can't go and I don't want to do that...but I have to.
Easiest way to break it to her without feeling like a huge jerk?