I got hired on the spot four weeks ago as a childcare director of a before and after school program. I was so excited to have this opprotunity! Apparently years of nannying qualified me, and having been a lunchroom supervisor. I love the kids I work with. I would babysit most of them in an instant. I love planning and creating activities.

But delegating tasks? Remembering parents and making sure kids to the right people? Paying attention to every sngle child between the ages of 3 and 11 with it my brain spin? Communicating with everyone? All the responsibility it causing me a lot of anxiety. I've already messed in certain areas... lots of what I thought I was doing right I'm not. I'm constantly fearful. I feel sick every morning. And I hardly eat because I'm just not hungry. When I do it's forced. I have add and ocd. They were under control, but the stress is making it worse and having worked with special needs kids before I sometimes wonder if I am on the spectrum or have sensory issues too. I thought I wanted to maybe go back to school to get my teaching certificate (I absolutely love 3rd-6th grade) but I'm not so sure now. Maybe I don't even want to work,with kids... don't know what's wrong with me.