I am 35 Female married for 13 years, we had a love marriage, after a lot of struggles with our families now his family is accepting us. They are giving him the love he deserved but did not get for the past 13 years because of our marriage. He has to leave me and go visit his family, i had suffered a lot from them so i avoid meeting them because it reminds me of their actions towards me. Now he is the only child of his parents , so he says he has to be with them and help them when they need, i agree to this and i know he loves me too so nothing is going to change even if he leaves me for some days to take care of his parents, but because i am emotionally so attached to my husband i don't let him go and if i let him go i fight with him constantly making him stop calling me and also I cry and feel miserable and insecure. I feel he will stop loving me and also I sometimes feel he should leave his parents for me. I know this is wrong but to wish like that how much emotionally unstable should i be? They were never nice to me and treated me miserably so i hate them. I work and i am independent but still i am always struck , always thinking about him(my husband) feel happy only with him, his approval somehow matters most, i cant stay even one day without him. he is very nice person but loves his parents a lot he too suffered a lot from them but he forgave them and still cares about them. When they (his parents) treated me like apiece of rug, he was silent never took stand for me, it took him 3 years to take me with him to some new place. and from then we started fresh, his parents kept interfering but never too much it was all good till now, because he never got love from them so he was aloof but now they are suddenly showing so much love. Anyway the problem is i want to emotionaly detach myself from him and live my life for myself staying with him without breaking the love, please tell me how ? I am depressed and always hurt.