My girlfriend and I got into and argument over some social media the day before Valentines day in a parking lot with some viewers. She got really upset and so did I. She tried to get out of the car and I pulled her back in, she ended up falling on the ground. We were yelling and screaming, she started punching and crying. I tried to hug her to calm her down. She started to bite my ear and I asked her to stop, she didn't. I try to push her head off me and she didn't move. I literally picked her up off her feet and tried to remove her from me but she wouldn't let go. Last resort I pulled her hair for her to let go, she did. Now she's saying 3 months later that i'm abusive and cant control myself because I pulled her hair. I have never been an abusive person, I have never hit a woman, I have raised my voice and I have grabbed her, never hit her. Now she just told me how she was at work on break and some random Brittan guy punched her in the arm because she cut him in line and she got really upset about it. She has a tendency to be really dramatic about things. She's my girlfriend, and yes I plan on getting engaged to her soon. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? What do I tell her because she finds it inexcusable for me to pull her hair?