Well alright I'm still trying to figure out who and what I am and who/what I'm supposed to be. Sometimes I feel completely fine with who I am. But sometimes I feel like I'm someone else entirely. I don't think this is like split personality or anything (so no comment please), but maybe more of like, I can't identify myself sometimes.

What I'm getting at is that 50% of the time I'm definitely a woman. I identify as a woman, I dress and act and FEEL like a woman. But the other 50% of the time I feel like a man and I'm so uncomfortable and strange in my body, like it's this fungus or mold growing all around me and it's making me fatally sick. I feel like I should have the parts, the features if you will, and shouldn't have these woman characteristics.

I identify as pan-sexual in orientation (meaning I love everybody and all bodies), but I just don't know what GENDER to identify to anymore... Am I male? Am I female? I don't FEEL like a herm though... like I don't feel like I'm in the line between. I feel like one or the other, but it's half the time for each.

Ok if anyone has any advice or anything to help me out a bit here, I would more than anything appreciate that. PLEASE KEEP RUDE COMMENTS TO YOURSELVES! Thank you all for being understanding.