I saw the Neurologist on Monday.She says there is severe narrowing of the bilateral neural foramina, but although the reports doesn t say the nerve is pinched, she said "it probably is". She also said my EMG & NCD is normal, but she suspect I have a sensory" nerve problem? HUH?
Also, she wants an MRI done on my cervical spine to see if there s anything "phantom" that might be going on causing my feet to burn with pins/needles. When I asked about Physio, she lightly dismissed the idea saying it wouldn t help, BUT my Physio Therapist strongly disagrees.I have a referral from my GP to indeed get the Physio. I m so confused I don t know where to turn. I d appreciate anything you would offer. Thanks in advance!!
I'm finding I truly don't need the meds for the pins/needles, as that part is very tolerable. The Neurologist wants me taking them anyway. I hate taking meds when I don't need them. Also, on the prescription, the instructions were "when required"...so I was taking them only when needed, yet she contradicted that.
I don't know what to do!!!!!