There are so many people suffering and yet I live a life full of material comfort and pleasurable pursuits such as vacationing and entertaining myself with food and diversion. How can I not be judged to be thoughtless and cruel for what I don't do with my time and money. Yes, I take care of those nearest me, but that also comforts me because they appreciate what I give them and do for them. So, this also feels like adding luxury to my life. How can I relate to those who continually suffer from living in this world in a place through no choice of their own that brings misery and suffering to them while I have all that I need and want. It hurts to think of what others go through but I feel that my suffering will come at a later time when the full realization of what I have not done to alleviate others suffering is made perfectly clear to me as well as the cost to others and to myself for my inaction in this regard.