I'm 17 and I go to boarding school. I only have one friend who has been a close friend like a sister for about 4 years now. However, I can't seem to bring myself to make any other friends. I have many distant friends or acquaintances who I am around at school or have chats to, but I never ever get close with anyone. I just don't see the point? I'm not very social, and I stay in my room at boarding school a lot because I feel too self conscious to go out in public anywhere. I feel uncomfortable around large amounts of people, and prefer to be alone. I do feel bit lonely a lot of the time, but I don't really want to get close with anyone or spend lots of time with other people because I just prefer to be by myself where it is quiet and peaceful.
I have a few reasons why I have given up on being social, 1. Because other girls say my body is ugly and weird, and 2. Because I just want to avoid problems and drama. All I really want is to get through the day and graduate school and be left alone.

But is this normal?