... it. He got totally wasted and drunk and did some heavy petting with this girl. He told me he would have had sex with her if he had been able to, but he obviously was too drunk for it. She works at a club he often hung out with his friends. I still want to be with him as I don´t want to throw away that one beautiful year we´ve been together but when it comes to sex I can´t keep my mind of it and think about how they do it and stuff like that. He told me about it one year after it happened although I had told him about my misfortunate earlier relationships in which I always got cheated on and how much it hurt me and how much I wanted him to just be honest with me. He told me that he was too afraid to tell me as he feared that I would leave him if I found out. I want to forget about it so badly and wonder if time will heal my wounds especially as he really is sorry about it and does everything for me ( and has always done everything for me).