My girlfriend said she wants to pause our relationship so she can be a teenager before graduating highschool and fully committing for the rest her life to me she said she wants to be with me forever and she dosnt want to ruin anything, she wants to go out nd smoke drink and be like any teenager but for me im so in love with her she the same way but i cant stop thinking loving her more and worrying whats shee's doing and thinking too it scares me. our relationship is pretty strong and real i know i can trust her she trusts me but for some reason i wanna break down and cry and i dont know why but i need someone to help me out im really lost right now. im 18 going on 19 graduating in june this year of highschool getting a car hopefully soon and got a job on the way. please i beg i need advise guidance or just anyone to talk to. thank you. Steven Beck.