My partner is a retired paramedic (due to mental health) but wishes to take up a new career, ideas?

Responses (2)

Sorry to hear. It seems that mental illness is more common by the day (and I would know).
I'd say a good job for him/her (that's related to their past job experience) would be to work in a privately-owned retirement home. Those types of jobs are usually very easygoing, and you're also treated a lot better in general than per say, a public sector job.

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I believe that the best for him it is to work with therapies for cure mental issues that normally came for the stress. Iam an alternative coach for a healthy life and I think he can study some alternative therapies, that firts will help him to get out of his issue definitely and He will work helping people as he do before just in another way. To help people to release stress will be very nice for him because when you do therapies to others you work with yourself also. If you are interested I can send you an email with some pages where you can find information about all the careers with alternative medice..they are not long or expensive and he will feel very happy. I promess you :) Contact me here and will help you to find the way so he can start something healthy and good for his life and yours of course.

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