Okay my boyfriend & I had unprotected sex the day before ovulation we used the pull out method.. He ejaculated outside of me then we began to have sex again. I know that there’s a chance semen could be in the pre-ejaculation.. so I began to feel some nausea and had the worst back pains which let up... three day before my period was suppose to start I had brown & light pink discharge.. so for the next 4 days it was on &off like bleed this red clear-ish discharge (like watery) for a few hours than nothing till the next day..(which has never happen) so i took this as my period but a week later I would feel sick at the smell of certain foods and then my nipples starts to hurt like I couldn’t even sleep on my stomach and their sensitive to touch every now and then I get mild cramps (even when on my period I don’t cramp) I get nausea throughout the day and especially when riding in the car or going over speed bumps.. Now it’s about 6 days till my period is due and I took a HPT and it was neg…