I've recently gotten back into shiny hunting on the gen 3 Pokémon games (Sapphire/Leaf green) and need a little advice. I know the chances of finding shinies is a 1/8192 chance and I've encountered a few shinies in the past. I watch videos on YouTube of shiny hunters encountering a shiny between less than a hundred RE's to well over 20,000. The first question might sound a little dumb. Do you guys save your game after each shiny hunt in the wild when you haven't found a shiny? Does it make a difference if you save the game after having like 1,000 RE's and no shiny and then hunting again the next day? Because I know that you can only do so many RE's a day, and I thought that if you turned the game off it would affect the chances of getting one by making the RE count back to 0. My other question is, tiles. I was in Viridian forest in leaf green and was hunting for a shiny caterpie in random grass patches throughout the whole forest, I found one on a completely random grass tile in the middle of the forest. Does it make a difference if you hunt just in a straight line left and right up or down or just wander into completely random tiles? The way I saw it was, every single tile has a certain amount of RE's until a shiny appears, like one patch might have a shiny at 83 RE's while another may have one at 45,878 RE's? or am I completely wrong and it's all just luck?