I am home alone and my dog was sleeping and I was on the computer when there was a loud noise that startled both of us. I got up to see what it was and it was one of the tennis shoes I keep in my closet up in my room, but my room door is closed, and my closet doors are usually closed too (and hard to open). I took a forensics class last semester and that's how I can judge by the shoelaces the direction it came from, which is my room. There is a super loud banging coming from my room now so I don't want to go in there because it might be a robber or a poltergeist or something, but my guinea pig is in there... What do I do? What if she freaks out or gets hurt? What if my little brother comes home from school and whatever it is is still up there? Help...

I'm making the purpose of this question for starting a conversation because I need multiple answers and I'm not a member or whatever this is saying at the bottom here. And oh, the reason I don't call the cops is because my phone is in my room, and my closer neighbors are away...