Hey all :)

A couple of weeks ago, I found a kitten that I was set on adopting- until I mentioned it to my vet, who advised me against it, because of my other cat's poor health.

The vet told me that getting another pet like a kitten, puppy, etc. might make her life-threateningly ill (due to stress). She has a lot of problems, such as stomach issues, a form of epilepsy, and blindness. But I would still love to get another pet, since I had another cat who sadly passed away earlier this year and I miss her very much, and I'd like another pet to keep me company :)

However, I would not like to get any kind of rodent or fish, or even bird (even though she's blind, I still wouldn't trust her with a bird!).

I was thinking a ferret (I would LOVE a ferret!), but my parents say they would not allow me to have one, as they think it would smell, and be too much work.

I would love a pet that likes to be handled a lot and is very sociable, too.

I know this is a lot to ask, but... any suggestions??