my little girl rabbit loves my male but he is not as interested in her. She will snuggle up to him and follow him around- so cute. He on the other hand is very rough with her, for example, he will nudge into her while he grooms himself and disturbs her sleep, he will jump over her and into her when sharing the litter trey and will nip her when they are out of their cage for a run.
It is so strange because she still loves him even though he has this I-don't-care-for-you attitude. They do seem to live peacefully however which is why I have kept them together. Also, I have seen him groom her only once.

Some background on my bunnies:
Neji: Male ,3 yr old lop mix, nuetered. He was my first rabbit and has been on his own since aquiring him three years ago at about 4 months old.
Luna: Female, 12 week old Netherland Dwarf. Bought her home when she was 8 weeks old and kept her completley seperateted from Neji while she adjust to us and her new surroundings.
I took Neji to the vet for a check up a few days before bringing Luna home and spoke to him about my plans for getting him a new sister. He suggested that because she will be used to other rabbits I did not have to wait to get her spayed before doing the bonding (although, I will of course be having this done when she is big enough).
Bonding went well, Neji was of course the dominent one and even though it only took about 8 - 10 bonding sessions before moving them in together it felt like a slow process.

Anyway back to my question; Will he ever show signs of affection towards her? At the moment it feels like a grumpy older brother and annoying little sister relationship rather than a totally-in-love rabbit hubby-wife one. Also should I be seperating them at night? Idon't know...hmmm.

Thank you to any replies.