sorry this is a long story but im in need of some advice so few months ago i met up with this boy i had a massive crush on and he just had broke uo with his ex girlfriend. He invited me over just to talk and chill were both 15 btw. We spent like the whole day together just watching movies and just talking about things. Im not going to lie i never felt so comfortable with anyone before and when i was with him i felt so happy and got loads of butterflies . After i could not stop thinking about him we still talked but didnt see each other because i was really busy at the time. About 4 days later from when i met him he didnt talk to me as much so i asked him whys that and hes answer was that hes really sorry but he has a lot of stuff going on with his ex.. I stopped talking to him for this reason and few weeks later they were going back out. I felt devastated because he did really seem like he liked me and ive never felt like this about anyone i still think about him and miss him but do you think there is a chance of him and his ex break up again we might talk again ?