So I went to a birthday party on saturday and most of the people were guys and I only knew like 2 people. Then this one guy called Ben, came up to me and introduced himself and then we talked about school etc. and he actually goes to my school but he's 1 year older. Then he asked if I wanted to go outside and so we did and he kissed me. Later we had to bring a friend to the bus stop and he lend me his jacket and said ' Do I get a kiss later if I lend you my jacket?'.
He got his kiss and then asked for my number. He had to leave pretty early so we didn't really talk that night. He said he would be going to Hungary the next morning and his flight was pretty early in the morning so he couldnt stay longer. It's already been 2 days, I've added him on Facebook last night but he didn't text me yet/accept my request. What should I do? And what does that mean???
Oh and before he introduced himself he actually made out with another girl but she was drunk as f*** and it wasn't for long.