I am 22 years old. I've had a deeply troubling problem. Ever since I can remember I've always been a ambitious person but I've always had a problem with losing motivation for every day things in my life. What I mean by that is I have a problem with drive in my life. One example right now is that I have a new job that I've been working at for about 3 months. I'm a ba at a dental office. And earlier in my life I did a lot of drugs and occasionally I still pop pills. And since I started my job, maneb menu absolutely loves me. I am very ambitious ad driven with all things when I start but over time I become weary and lose this ambition. This is with all aspects in my life. Even with my daughter. I don't always have the drive to play with her and spend time with her. I feel like because of my drug use I have a chemical misbalance. When I occasionally pop pills not only feel good but I have the drive that I think all normal people have. I am interested, enjoy what I do, pay attention to my family and just enjoy life. I don't wang to do drugs to have this in my life. I want to know if anyone has ever had this problem and overcame it and how. I am open to all things. Mederation, supplements, book ect. Someone please reply to me and help me if you can. I can't keep living depending on drugs to bring the best out of me. I know that I have potential but I think early drug use messed that up. Please anything will be helpful.