The sperm cells, or spermatozoa as they are commonly known, next move into the epididymis. This tube is found behind the testicles. The sperm acquire mobility and the capacity to fertilise an egg in the epididymis. When the sperm are fully developed, they move into two parallel tubes known as the vas deferens. It is an interesting fact regarding how long does sperm live in a woman.

The ejaculatory ducts, which deliver sperm to the urethra for ejaculation, are formed when the vas deferens fuses with the seminal vesicles (glands that release seminal fluid). Millions of sperm combine with seminal fluid when a man is sexually aroused to form semen. The discharge of these sperm occurs during ejaculation.

Because of the natural obstacles in a woman's biology, such as sudden constrictions at the cervix, most sperm that are ejaculated into her perish within 24 hours. You must know this concerning how long does sperm live in a woman.

Semen wraps sperm in a protective gel as soon as they enter the vagina to protect them from the acidity of the vagina. As the sperm enters the cervix from the vaginal canal and melts the gel within 30 minutes. Sperm can migrate more easily through the cervical mucus, up through the uterus, and finally into the fallopian tubes because to this liquefaction.

Within minutes of ejaculation, the sperm that swims the fastest may reach the fallopian tubes. However, conception can only take place if an egg manages to enter the fallopian tubes within five days after the sperm's arrival. This shall clear your doubts on how long does sperm live in a woman.
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