... punishing , torturing and killing my dad. He has suffered heart problems ( He has a pacemaker ) He suffers from uncontrollable super high diabetes, He has had a stroke , his skin is all infected , He is always sleepy and tired, He falls twice a month from lack of strength in his legs, He has no teeth , He lost his site but regained it with surgery and numerous other complications which are all fueled and associated with excessive sugar intake. .. My problem is this .... My dad is at Montebello care center on Beverly Blvd because he fell and broke his hip and he'll be there for another 2 weeks or so... The hospital staff has his diet and his sugar levels regulated however, my dad asked my mother for some contraband. My dad wants my mom to take him regular cokes , tapioca pudding, candies , sweet breads and etc. My mom made me take her to the market and she bought all that sugar that my dad requested and my mother wants me to take her to the care center tomorrow to go see my dad so , she can give him all those sweets. My mom has told me , " Your dad wants that stuff , what do you want me to do ? " She even asked me to keep my mouth shut and not to tell anybody in the hospital that she is sneaking in all this stuff for my dad. .. The advice I need is this ... Should I snitch and tell the hospital staff so they could go into my dad's room and confiscate that harmful food or should I listen to my mom and keep my mouth shut and let my dad have all the sweets he wants while keeping it a secret from his medical doctors and care staff ? ..... I feel bad for my dad. I feel like an accessory to finishing him off if something happens to him. ANY SUGGESTIONS OR ADVICE ?