I am a 31 year old woman, and this is my 3rd visit from the kidney stone fairy in less than 5 years. The last 2 times, my kidneys were peppered with little tiny flecks of "stones", so I am familiar with a little kidney pain, but never knew if/when I was passing them because they were so tiny.

This time, I have 5 stones in my left kidney and 2 in my right. They are all small enough to pass, but are still on the large side of passable. A week after they first showed up, they were still sitting at the top of my kidneys, and hadn't even begun to move.

I am taking pain pills everyday because I cannot function otherwise. I can definitely tell when these are moving because the pain brings me to my knees, but how will I know if I've passed them or if they are still hanging out in my kidney somewhere?

At this point, it's been almost 3 weeks....shouldn't I be done with this by now?