Ever since i was a child i always have had problems with being on task and paying attention. Many of my teachers have talked about me being behind or not being focused. I make mistakes on the simplest things. It takes me 4 hours to read a 5 page chapter in a book. I cant finish any of my tests on time(this is a big issue).
I am very knowledgeable but i can't keep a steady pace. By the time i know it i am doing something else, whether it means completing an essay( which is what i was literally supposed to be doing right now, but i forgot because i was worried about this and i just remembered). I don't have any close friends at all. i sit alone or sometimes have someone to ask 1000 questions sitting right next to me. i stopped tip toeing at 10 and stopped bed wetting at 13. I can draw very realistically and i dream of becoming a reconstructive surgeon when i am of age.i also started speaking in sentences at the age of 6 before that age i was slightly mute. i am advanced in many subjects at school but i cant concentrate. Im 14